
My Courses Integration

Aug 11th

Timber will now integrate with your school's registration system to provide a simultaneous add-to-cart for all registration materials.

Students use the school's registration system to access their Class Schedule.  On that page, Timber creates a link back to the Bookstore site that adds all of the classes to the student's profile.  Students can then add all the adopted materials to cart, or be more selective about which ones they'd like to buy.

Fraud Prevention Panel

Oct 3rd

When viewing Website orders, there is now a Fraud Prevention Panel to give you more insight about order legitimacy.

  • Customer IP Address, and physical location
  • Billing Phone and Billing Address State 
  • Shipping Phone and Shippin Address State 
  • Address Verification Mismatch Status
  • Proxy IP Detection
  • "Report Fraud" link  

When you report potentially fraudulent orders to Timber - we safeguard your site and all of our Timber customers from future orders placed by the same individuals.
