Viewing Departments and Courses

As a Department (Academic) Manager, you have additional options available to you on the "Departments and Courses" tab.    These include:

Seeing Which Sections Have Been Approved:

  1. On the Departments and Courses tab, use the TERM and DEPT autocomplete fields to bring a Department into focus.
  2. Try typing a few letters like "Fall" or "2021" into the Term field.  It will suggest some options to you.
  3. Then start typing your DEPT name and click on your Department Name.
  4. After a brief pause you will see the Department listed in the main Body of the page.  You may need to click the small "plus" icon to expand it.
  5. Each course has a completion graphic (ranging from red to green) to display the Sections Approved percentage. For details about specific sections, click the View Sections icon acrosss from your Course name.


Printing a List of Courses/Sections Organized by Status

  1. On the Departments and Courses tab use the TERM and DEPT autocomplete fields to bring a Department into focus.
  2. Try typing a few letters like "Fall" or "2021" into the Term field.  It will suggest some options to you.
  3. Then start typing your DEPT name and click on your Department Name.
  4. You will find a "Printable Report" link next to the Department Name.


Updating the User Permissions for Your Instructors

  1. On the Department and Courses tab use the TERM and DEPT autocomplete fields to bring a Department into focus.
  2. Try typing a few letters like "Fall" or "2021" into the Term field.  It will suggest some options to you.
  3. Then start typing your DEPT name and click on your Department Name.
  4. After a brief pause you will see the Department listed in the main Body of the page.  You may need to click the small "plus" icon to expand it.
  5. To change the permissions, click the red "Manage Users" icon across from your Course name. This will navigate you to the Faculty Permissions page.