User Account Linking and Merging

The Faculty Users tab is only available to Bookstore Managers. It is handy for verifying/updating user email addresses, blocking innactive accounts, and granting Store Manager access to other users.

Basic Management Tasks

  1. In the left-sidebar, use the "Faculty Name" autocomplete field to type a few letters of the username.
  2. When their name appears, click on it.
  3. Look for the Edit User link on the right side of the display -- it will activate a pop-up where you can manage the user's information.

Please Note:  you can change the Email Address to a non-campus account to increase convenience for your users.

Linking Multiple (redundant) Booklog Faculty Records Together

  1. In the left-sidebar, use the "Faculty Name" autocomplete field to type a few letters of the username.
  2. When their name appears, click on it.
  3. Look for the "Manage User Faculty" link on the right side of the display -- it will activate a pop-up.
  4. You can use the Faculty Record Field to link additional (Booklog) Faculty Records to the primary user account.   This enables a single user to manage Sections if they have been assigned to (redundant) booklog Faculty Records.


Unlinking a Booklog Faculty Record from a Timber>Adopt User Account

  1. In the left-sidebar, use the "Faculty Name" autocomplete field to type a few letters of the username.
  2. When their name appears, click on it.
  3. Look for the "Unlink Faculty" link on the right side of the display.  This will remove the linkage between the Booklog Faculty Record and the Timber>?Adopt Use Account.