Managing Adoptions

When updating your Adoptions, common tasks include:


Adding Adoptions already in your Bookstore's inventory

When you have located a Section to manage, you can add new Adoptions to it.  Titles that are already known by your Bookstore will be available via autocomplete.  

  1. Expand the class/section and then look for the green " + New Material" button
  2. Click it and the "New Adoption" popup will appear
  3. In the "ISBN/SKU/TITLE" field, start typing a few letters or numbers - and allow the field to suggest some options.
  4. Make sure to specify the Adoption Type - usually Required or Suggested. Select ‘choice’ as the book-type anytime you would like your students to choose between or among one or more items.
  5. Feel free to include an Adoption Note which will be visible to your students
  6. Click the green "Add New Material" button


Adding Adoptions not already in your Bookstore's inventory

  1. Click the green " + New Material" button and the "New Adoption" popup will appear
  2. In the  "ISBN/SKU/TITLE" field, start typing a few letters or numbers - and allow the field to suggest some options.  If your adoption is not suggested, look for the orange "Add Custom Item" tab and click it.
  3. Complete as many of the fields as you are able, and click the "Create Item" button.  This will dismiss the Create Custom Item window and you can continue adding the item.
  4. Click the green "Create Item" button, and the new item will be created.
  5. On the next screen you will need to specify the Adoption Type (usually Required or Suggested)
  6. Feel free to include a Class Note which will be visible to your students.
  7. Click the "Add New Material" button


Editing Adoptions

  1. When viewing a class's adoptions, click the blue "Edit" button.
  2. When the Edit Adoption window appears you can change the item's "Material Type" and "Note to Student"


Removing Adoptions

  1. When viewing a class's adoptions, click the red "Delete" button.
  2. You will be prompted to Confirm the deletion


Changing Adoption Order/Sequencing

You may optionall provide the order in which materials will be used during a semester

  1. On the left side of each Adopted item, you will find a draggable-arrow icon.   Click anywhere on the arrow/number (highlighted in blue below) and drag it up or down to reposition the item into your desired sequence.
  2. Your changes are saved automatically.

Updating Class Size and Notes to Bookstore

  1. If permitted by the Bookstore you can update the Class Size and Notes to Bookstre Fields.  Start by clicking the Class Size or Edit Notes buttons:
  2. FIll in the field and click the green Save button:

Viewing Past Adoptions

You can generate a list of past adoptions two ways:

  1. Expand the class/section and click the "Past Materials - [Classname]" link.  This will show you a history of the items used previously to teach this Section.  You may find materials used by other past instructors here.
  2. Instructor Specific:  to see the items you have used for this and other Sections, click the "My Past Materials" link.
  3. You can select items indivdually using their "Select Item" checkbox or use the "Select All Adoptions" button to designate all materials from a past term to be adopted to the current term.


    Submitting Materials to the Bookstore

    1. To submit your Class/Section information to the Bookstore click the green Submit button to the right of the row:
    2. You will receive an email confirming the items you have adopted.
    3. The Staff at the bookstore can optionally set an "Adoption Due Date". If they have set this, it is not possible to submit adoptions following the Adoption Due Date.


    Approving Clases/Sections with No Adoptions/Books

    1. To submit a Class/Section with no books, locate your Course and bring your Class/Section into view.  Click the green "Submit" button without adding any materials.