Locating Your Class/Section

There are a few different ways for you to locate classes.

  • Use the link in the Reminder Email that you received from the Bookstore
  • Choose an Academic Term and Department from the select-lists
  • Click on your My Courses button 


Reminder Email

At the beginning of the adoption-submission period, the Bookstore will send you an Adoption Remdinder email.  The links in that message will take you directly to your class(es).


By Academic Term/Department

Your school will have its own Timber>Adopt site set up on a domain like:   https://myschool.timberadopt.com.  Once you arrive and login you can use the TERM and DEPT fields to navigate to your class:


The My Courses button

When logged-in you can use the My Courses button to access a quick list of all the classes assigned to your user account.


Course Navigation

You can navigate to different Courses within a Department (like 101, 102, etc...) using the Course Navigation.  Faculty using desktop computers will find it in the sidebar, and mobile users will see it at the top of the page. In this example with the MATH Department -- MAT102 is selected:

In the main body of the page you will see the Classes inside your Course. In the MAT102 example we see three Classes (Sections) available:  

Classes awaiting your approval will have a green "Submit" button.  The Bookstore Staff will not receive your changes until you click the green Submit button. You will only be able to make changes to Courses assigned to you by the Bookstore.